Join the breakfast club

Want a cowork space in Lambeth, but don’t know which one to choose? It is actually a surprisingly easy decision: go for the one that gives you free breakfast.

On Monday, weekend-weary Le Bureau members made their way into the office kitchen and  discovered a breakfast buffet, courtesy of the lovely office managers.


Baskets replete with cereal, porridge and snack bars were laid out for the taking, as well as nostalgia-inducing Pop Tarts which proved a surprising hit. Maybe it’s the space-age silver foil wrappers, the toasting ritual or the exhilaration of biting into a gooey centre that’s as hot as the sun, but we were all instantly transported back to our formative years – and what’s better than the scent of warm Pop Tarts in the morning?

Breakfast is, after all, the most important meal of the day. According to the old adage we should all, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”. It’s the sort of thing your mum  cautioned to stop you gorging on tuck shop Mars bars as soon as the bell went for first break. But could there be some scientific truth in it after all?

Recent research carried out by Imperial College London, in conjunction with the Nestlé Research Centre, the University of Thessaly, King’s College London and VU University Amsterdam, has identified a potential link between eating breakfast and tackling obesity.

The study found tentative evidence that people who eat more in the evening, as opposed to more in the morning, are likely to have a higher BMI, and that people who snack between meals have a propensity towards a higher BMI too.

The same study also discovered that eating breakfast was regarded as sinful in Medieval England. Thankfully, society has moved on since those dark times. Bring on the Pop Tarts!

With breakfast club set to be a regular addition to the already bounteous Le Bureau menu, Monday mornings have never looked so good.



