Happy International Coworking Day!
You’ve probably been planning this day for the last six months, and I can’t blame you – after Christmas and St Swithen’s Day it has to be my favourite of the year.
This is a day to take stock of your wonderful, shared workspace and celebrate just how far we have all come in our attitude to work, and to feel excited for where we’ll be going next.
So while Kinga strings up the bunting and Magda puts on her pinny to bake a cake, here are five, fun facts about coworking that you (possibly) didn’t know and will make you love coworking all the more.
Almost half of us will be coworking by 2020
Remember when the Super Mario film predicted what the future would be like and it was all computer interfaces and 3D adverts? Well, here we are, living in it.
In 2018, there is barely any need to be tethered to a single desk or, worse, hot desking in a conventional office and having to contend with other people’s keyboard crumbs.
We organise our lives online; we order food online; we even find love online – it follows that our work is going digital too, thus freeing up the workforce to embrace coworking in all its fluid, funky, flexible glory.
Coworking can earn you more money
The stat frequently banded around is that people who work in coworking offices earn 50% more than their more conventional counterparts in cubicles.
And how better to celebrate International Coworking Day than by dreaming about how you’re going to spend your millions?
Perhaps this is something to do with increased productivity; maybe coworkers enjoy being in their office so are more inclined to work longer hours – or could it be that work seems more important when you’re not in a coffee shop surrounded by crying toddlers.
Read: Now There’s A Coworking Space That Let’s You Bring Your Dog To Work
Almost 80% of coworkers are under 40
If you are looking for a social life as well as steady employ, a coworking office could be for you.
The buzz of youth, and the freedom from additional responsibilities can make coworking offices seriously fun places to work.
Coworking is good for your health
70% of coworkers report feeling healthier for working in a coworking office – and there is research to back up the claims. In the US, a third of coworkers are thought to walk or bike to work.
Also, the sociable nature of a shared workspace goes a significant way to reducing loneliness and stress, and many offer healthy subsidised food or excellent facilities for storing and preparing fresh food, so say goodbye to that vending machine dinner of Diet Coke and crisps.
The takeaway? You won’t die quite as soon. Happy International Coworking Day!
People who co-work are more productive
The majority of people who opt to co-work report being more productive, better able to focus and to working better as a team.
Most coworking offices are deliberately set up to facilitate communication and collaboration, with open plan desks and chill out areas where members can converse in a relaxed environment.
The question is, why wouldn’t you start coworking?
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